I design

for a healthy, equitable and sustainable planet

Selected projects

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If you're a climate-focused startup trying to find product-market fit and scale up, a larger company wanting to shift to regenerative and circular models, or a public sector and non-profit organisations wanting to design and implement human-centred and inclusive climate policies and services, I'm here to help!

Magnifying glass inside head icon


I help define the right questions and conduct the right research methods to move forward with confidence.

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Experiment Design

I build lean prototypes and test business ideas. Gain clarity about which direction to go without over-investing.

Flag on top of mountain icon

Product Strategy

I help you clarify your vision, map opportunities and assumptions and build your product roadmap.

Network of people connecting icon


I design and facilitate workshops to generate ideas, make decisions and build stronger connections.

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Visual Design & UI

I help you define the look and feel of your brand, and bring it to life with key visual assets and design systems.

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Content Strategy

I create and improve the information architecture of your service, define key principles and create content.

My latest writing

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